How work
Define what to do after the pdf is created on the server. The options are:
| The PDF is simple created |
Download Download and delete
| The PDF is created and the extension insert in the page an IFRAME where open in download the PDF. The standard browser panel "SAVE AS" is open and the user can choose where save the PDF. With the second option the PDF is deleted from the server after download. |
View in browser View in browser and delete
| The extension open the PDF in a pop-up window. Require Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on the client. With the second option the PDF is deleted from the server after open. |
Link | Creale a simple link to the PDF file. |
The better solutions are Download and View in browser because when you use the link the browser can get the file from the client cache and if the user create more time the pdf can receive all the time the same pdf. The Download and View in browser method are write to prevent the browser cache. |
Redirect page:
Optional the page where redirect after the PDF is created. Usefull when you want only create the PDF on the server without open in preview or direct download.
Pdf folder:
The folder where the extension save the PDF file.
Can be a dynamic value and in any case must start and and with double-apex like:
"/myFolder/" & session("UserId") & "/mySubFolder"
Pdf name:
The name of the PDF file.
Can be a dynamic value and in any case must start and and with double-apex like:
"myPdfFile" & session("UserId") & ".pdf"
Conflict handling:
Should a file already exist on the server, you can specify how you would like to handle the new file. Choices include overwriting, giving the file a unique name and skipping the file.
If You select "Unique name" and a file exist my code add e progressive number to the file name.
ex: Existing file is MyFile.txt the new name will be MyFile
Page size:
Select the page size.
The available page format are: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, LETTER, NOTE, LEGAL, ARCH_A, ARCH_B, ARCH_C, ARCH_D, ARCH_D, FLSA, FLSE, HALFLETTER, 11X17, LEDGER
Define if use the page Vertical or Horizontal
Define the page margins for each side of the page: top / bottom / left / right.
The margins top and bottom are very important when you setup the header and the footer because in this case the margins top and bottom must be height in order to contain all the text for the header and for the footer.
Bg image:
Define an image background for all the pages. The image will be placed in the middle and in center of the page. The text will be on top of the image so to see all the text you must define the image Opacity. With the

button you can get the image path from a recordset or other Data Source.
Bg image opacity:
Define the opacity of the background image. The text will be on top of the image so to see all the text you must define the image Opacity.
Bg image size:
Bg image reduction:
How work the Extension with the image size:
Note that the resolution of an image that is added without scaling will be 72dpi by default. If an image is placed with a scaling of 50% the resolution will be 144. With lower scalings the resolution will increase because the pixels are the same but the size will be smaller. To put a picture with 300dpi use a scaling of 72/300=24%. For instance: if you have a 5X5 inch image that you scan at 300 dpi, the resultant image is 1500X1500 pixels (5X300 = 1500). When you place this image in the pdf with a scaling of 24% (72/300 = 0.24), the image in the pdf will be 5X5 inch with 1500X1500 pixel at 300 dpi. The image will always be 1500X1500 pixel whatever the size.
Print on open:
If checked open the Windows Printer panel to choose the printer for print the pdf after the pdf is open in the browser
Script timeout:
The Server.ScriptTimeout of Your ASP page.
Use fonts:
The extension has 4 embedded fonts that are: Arial (Helvetica), Times New Roman, Courieur and Windings and for all the other fonts you use in your pdf source page the extension need load the TTF font file from the server but some server don't permit this option so in this case you will receive a security exception, in this case you must setup this combo to Custom and setup a folder on the server where put the TTF files for the font you need use, in this case if the extension cannot find the TTF file the font will be replaced with Arial (Helvetica).
See the
help page to enable the Full Trust on the server in case you receive the security exception.