In the Name text box, enter a name for the recordset.
A common practice is to add the prefix rs to recordset names to distinguish them from other object names in the code. For example: rsPressReleases. Note that recordset names can only contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character (_). You cannot use special characters or spaces.
Select a connection from the Connection pop-up menu.
If no connection appears in the list, click Define to create on.

Total Button:
Display the Total row in the design grid .
You can calculate all types of totals using the Total row in the query design grid, where you select the aggregate function for the calculation you want to perform on a field.

Zoom Button:
Open the Zoom Window for more space in which to enter the statement while in a Field or Criteria cell.
Click in the field you want zoom, then click on the Zoom Buttom, enter the statement in the Zoom Box. and then click on OK button.